You can apply for a margin account if you have a account.
If you do not have a account, please apply for a account first.
※Customers under 20 years of age are not eligible to use this service.
※SMS authentication is required to apply for a margin account. You cannot share your phone number with others or register a landline phone number.
▼ Not yet hold a account
Please apply for a account from the account opening form.
▼Holding account
Please follow the steps below to apply for a margin account.
Flow of opening a margin account
1. Go to Registration Information from the menu
2. Select the margin trading tab
3. Select 「お申し込み」“Apply” for margin trading
4. Answer to understand the risks associated with margin trading.
※Please answer “Yes/No” correctly.
5. Enter necessary information such as professional attributes, gender, annual income, etc., and perform SMS authentication
6. Upload “Enrollment Verification Document” 「在籍確認書類」and “Income Proof”「収入証明書」.
※It is possible to apply without uploading “Proof of Income”. In that case, only “Sell” can be ordered.
Please tell me about the documents for enrollment verification.
Please tell me about Proof of Income.
7. Check “Agree” and select “Confirm”「確認」 after checking the “Terms and Conditions” and “Pre-Contract Document,” etc.
8. Confirm that the information you entered is correct.
9. If all is correct, select “Apply with these details「この内容で申し込む」.
This completes the application for a Margin Trading Personal Account.
When the application is complete, the completion screen will appear and the message “under review”「審査中」 will be displayed.
Flow after the review is completed
After the review is completed, an e-mail will be sent to your registered e-mail address.
The type of contract varies depending on the details of your application, and the e-mail sent to you will differ.
【Subject line of the e-mail】
Request for selection of margin trading line of credit
Your margin trading contract has been completed.
■Request for margin trading credit line selection
If the subject line of the e-mail is the above, you can “Buy” and “Sell” margin trading.
For “Buy” trading, it is necessary for the customer to register a credit line, so please follow the steps below to register and check the contract status.
1. Select the URL in the e-mail you received.
2. Select “Register” on the margin trading page.
3. Specify the amount from the available margin trading (buy) limit and select “Register”「登録する」.
4. Open the “Pre-Contract Document under the Money Lending Business Act” to confirm the details of the contract.
※Checkboxes and registration buttons will not be activated until you open the link.
5. Check the “Agree” box and select “Register”「登録する」.
6. “Reflecting” -> “Completed” 「反映中」→「完了」indicates that the contract is complete.
At the same time, you will be notified by e-mail of the completion of the contract.
This completes the opening of a margin account.
■Margin Trading contract has been completed.
If the subject of the e-mail is the above, margin trading is available for “Sell”「売り」 trading.
The contract has already been completed when the e-mail arrives, so please follow the procedure below to check the status of your contract.
※If you wish to “Buy”「買い」, please follow the procedure again by clicking “Apply for an increase in your available credit line”.
1. Select the URL in the e-mail you received.
2. Check the status of the contract
※If the status is “complete”「完了」, the contract is complete.
This completes the opening of a margin account.