Our deposit addresses (addresses starting with 0x) for the following crypto assets are contract addresses.
Depending on the exchange, you may not be able to send crypto assets to the contract address, in which case you will not be able to send crypto assets directly to bitbank.cc.
If the above situation applies to you, please take measures such as depositing the crypto assets to bitbank.cc after going through your own wallet.
As announced below, the ETH address was changed on March 9, 2021. For those who used the address before this date, please issue a new address on the deposit screen before depositing.
▼Ethereum deposit page
Please note:
・When depositing from a non-contract address, the ETH wallet setting called Gas Limit must be set to 45672 or higher when depositing to bitbank.cc, or the deposit will fail.
・Deposit to the old address will not be reflected.
▼Notice of Change of ETH Address for Deposit (posted on March 9, 2021)