※Please click here for the API documentation to the registration of information to unreflected deposits.
To register information for unreflected deposits of crypto assets, click on "Unreflected Deposits" in the upper right corner of the deposit screen.
When a deposit of crypto assets is made to your bitbank.cc account, it will not be reflected in your account until the receiver registers the sender information, and will appear in the "List of Unreflected Deposits". In order for the deposit to be reflected in your account, please register the sender's information for each unreflected deposit.
Please note that the sender information must be registered in advance. You can register the sender information from the "Sender List" in the upper right corner of the "Unreflected Deposits" page, and select the "Sender Label" when you receive an unreflected deposit.
※When we detect an unreflected deposit, we will contact you via your registered e-mail address.
※A dialog box will appear when you log in if there is an unreflected deposit of crypto assets.
※You can also go to the list of unreflected deposits from the URL in the e-mail or from the dialog box after logging in.
The following are the two main actions to be taken by customers.
Register the sender
Register sender information for unreflected deposits
How to register a sender
Please note that there is a screening process for sender registration. Please register them in advance.
If the sender is a corporation, the "effective controlling person" must be registered. Please click here to learn more about "Beneficial Control Person".
1. Go to the "Deposit" (入金)screen from the menu.
2. Click on "Unreflected Deposits"(未反映入金) in the upper right corner.
3. Click on "List of Senders" (送付人一覧)in the upper right corner.
4.Click on "New Registration"(新規登録).
5. Select "Sender Label"(送付人ラベル), "Deposit From(入金元)", "Sender"(送付人), and "Purpose of Deposit(入金の目的)".
6. When the "Confirm"(確認) button is activated, click it to register.
The image example shows a case in which the deposit was made by the customer himself/herself(本人). If you choose "Not the person himself/herself(本人ではない)," a separate input field will appear for you to enter your choice.
Please enter the information as appropriate.
・Sender Label(送付人ラベル)
A label is a memo field that you can use to manage your own remittance addresses. Please set a name of your choice so that you can easily select the sender when registering the sender information for unredeemed deposits.
・Deposit From(入金元)
Please select either "Private Wallet" or "Other.
Please select "Private Wallet" or "Other" if your deposit source is an exchange.
Please select either "The person himself/herself" or "Not the person himself/herself".
※If the recipient is not the person himself/herself
If you are an individual, please enter your name, country, and address. If you are an individual, please enter your name, country, and address. If you are a corporation, please enter your corporation name, country, address, corporate classification, and information on the effective controlling party.
・Purpose of Deposit(入金の目的)
Please select one of the following: "Investment or management of cryptographic assets," "Receipt," "Payment," "Custody," or "Gift.
How to register sender information for unreflected deposits
1. Go to the "Deposit" screen from the menu.
2. Click on "Unreflected Deposit"(未反映入金) in the upper right corner.
3. ①Select the appropriate "Sender Label"(送付人ラベル) from "Select Label"(ラベルを選択)on the right side.
4. ②Click "Register"(登録).
The image above shows a case where there are multiple unreflected deposits. You can also register the same sender information for multiple unreflected deposits at once by clicking "Batch Registration"(一括登録) in the lower left corner.