We are requesting additional registration for customers whose registration information is missing when opening a account on bitbank.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but please check the following.
Customers who need to register additional information will see the following pop-out when they log in.
※Dates shown vary by customer
How to Register for Individual Accounts
1. Click the "Modify" button on the registration information page.
2. On the Modify Basic Information page, select "Nationality".
*Foreign nationals are required to upload an image of their Residence Card or Special Permanent Resident Certificate.
3. Please select any areas not yet filled in, such as annual income, personal assets, motive or circumstances that led you to become a user, experience with crypto-asset related transactions or other similar transactions, etc.
4. Fill in your phone number and press "Next".
5. When the confirmation screen appears, check to make sure that the information is correct.
Check the box says "I confirm that there is no discrepancy between the customer information and the registered information" and click "Register".
6. The status of basic information becomes "Registered" and the modification is completed.
We may need to review your application, in which case we will contact you by e-mail after the review is completed.
How to Register for Corporate Accounts
1. Click the "Modify" button on the registration information page.
2. On the Basic Information Modification page, select "Capital", "Insolvency", and "Motive or Background of Registration".
3. Please select the country of residence of the beneficial owner and the relationship between the beneficial owner and the registering company.
4. Select the nationality of the person in charge of the trading.
5. Check the box to confirm that there is no discrepancy between your information and the registered information. Then click "Register with these details".
6. We will review your application and contact you by e-mail after the review is completed.
Please note that corporate customers may be required to submit additional documents.
If you have any questions, please contact our support.